Can I wash my eyebrows after 3 days of microblading?

Can I wash my eyebrows after 3 days of microblading? your eyebrows

Microblading is a popular semi-permanent eyebrow tattooing technique that helps to create fuller and more defined eyebrows. After undergoing a microblading procedure, it’s important to follow proper aftercare instructions to ensure the best results and longevity of the treatment. One commonly asked question is whether it’s safe to wash your eyebrows after 3 days of microblading. Let’s dive into the details and find out.

What is microblading?

Microblading is a cosmetic procedure where a trained professional uses a handheld tool with micro-needles to create tiny hair-like strokes on the skin’s surface. This technique deposits pigment into the upper layers of the skin, resulting in natural-looking, fuller eyebrows.

Why is aftercare important?

The healing process plays a significant role in the final outcome of your microbladed eyebrows. It’s crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your microblading artist to prevent infections, complications, and ensure the pigment properly settles into the skin. Aftercare typically includes avoiding water on the eyebrows for a specific period.

Can I wash my eyebrows after 3 days?

The general consensus among microblading professionals is to avoid getting your eyebrows wet for the first few days after the procedure. This includes washing your face and eyebrows. It’s essential to allow the tiny incisions made during the microblading process to heal and seal properly. Washing your eyebrows too soon can disrupt this process and possibly lead to color loss or infection.

When can I wash my eyebrows?

The exact timeframe before you can wash your eyebrows may vary depending on the microblading artist’s instructions and technique used. In most cases, you will be advised to keep your eyebrows dry for at least a week. However, it’s essential to follow the specific aftercare directions provided to you by your microblading artist.

How should I clean my eyebrows?

Once you receive the green light from your microblading artist, it’s crucial to clean your eyebrows gently and with care. Here are some tips to follow:

  • Use a gentle facial cleanser or a specially formulated cleanser recommended by your microblading artist.
  • Avoid using harsh cleansers, exfoliators, or rubbing your eyebrows vigorously.
  • Pat your eyebrows dry instead of rubbing them.
  • Avoid exposing your eyebrows to excessive moisture or steam, such as saunas and swimming pools, for the first few weeks.

Additional aftercare tips

In addition to washing your eyebrows, here are a few more aftercare tips to keep in mind:

  • Avoid touching or scratching your eyebrows to prevent infections and color loss.
  • Avoid applying makeup directly on your eyebrows until they are fully healed.
  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds, as they can cause the pigment to fade.
  • Apply any recommended aftercare creams or ointments as instructed by your microblading artist.
  • Schedule and attend any necessary follow-up appointments with your microblading artist.

Following these aftercare tips diligently can help ensure the best possible outcome for your microbladed eyebrows. Remember, each individual’s healing process may vary, so it’s crucial to consult with your microblading artist for personalized instructions.


When it comes to washing your eyebrows after 3 days of microblading, it’s generally best to avoid doing so until you receive the go-ahead from your microblading artist. Following the recommended aftercare instructions, including proper cleansing techniques, is essential for the healing process and long-term results of your microbladed eyebrows. Always consult with your microblading artist for personalized advice and instructions.

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Microblading is a popular semi-permanent eyebrow tattooing technique that helps to create fuller and more defined eyebrows. After undergoing a microblading procedure, it’s important to follow proper aftercare instructions to ensure the best results and longevity of the treatment. One commonly asked question is whether it’s safe to wash your eyebrows after 3 days of…